Developing countries have welcomed a plan for rich countries’ to help finance climate actions in developing countries, according to climate minister Vidar Helgesen.
This week he attended an international climate meeting in Marrakech, Morocco where the discussions were in preparation of a major UN climate meeting to be held in the same city in November.
During the discussions this week, rich countries presented a plan for how to reach a goal of $ 100 billion in annual funding for climate mitigation in developing countries by 2020.
– I must say we have received very positive reactions, also from developing countries, says Helgesen to news agency NTB.
China is one country that has stated that the plan is a good one. The so-called roadmap for financing the plan is assuring enough for the rich countries that they are convinced that the target of 100 billion dollars will be reached.
According to an analysis from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), there is already a dedication of 67 billion dollars of public funding by 2020.
When the expected private funds are added, the total sum will be more than 100 billion dollars.
USA, Australia, UK, Norway and a number of other countries have worked together and participated in the plan.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today