Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) travelled to Vilnius in Lithuania on Sunday, ahead of meetings with the country’s Prime Minister and the European People’s Party (EPP).
Latest news ……Solberg’s meeting with the Prime Minister of Lithuania canceled
The EEP is a political party collaboration between conservative and Christian democratic parties in Europe.
Solberg will have a bilateral meeting with Lithuanian PM Saulius Skvernelis on Monday afternoon.
Last week, State Secretary Rune Alstadsæter (H) wrote in a text message to NTB (Norsk Telegram Bureau) that the meeting in Lithuania has been planned for a long time and that it is not related to the Frode Berg case.
In a statement on Sunday, however, VG newspaper commented that the PM should nevertheless take the opportunity to create momentum in the Berg case after he was accused of being a Norwegian spy.
“We hope Prime Minister Erna Solberg knows she needs to seize the opportunity to act,” the newspaper writes.
The Lithuanian news agency BNS reported on October 16 that Russia and Lithuania agree to exchange two Russians for two Lithuanians and one unnamed Norwegian convicted in Russia. Frode Berg is the only Norwegian still in jail in Russia.
The Lithuanian parliament will consider a bill on Thursday that, if passed, could make it easier for the country to extradite Russians.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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