Policemen and policewomen are continually being reported by “civilians” to the special unit in Hordaland, but so far this year no one has been sentenced for offenses in service.
A policewoman was accused by an inmate of harassment after she said “Have a nice day” on the phone without hanging up, writes BergensAvisen. The newspaper has made a review of the decisions of Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs in Western Police District for the first half of this year.
Another man reported the police for having lied and made fun of him in connection with an arrest for domestic violence three years ago. Civilian police were also accused of driving past the complainants car in the 80 zone. They claim their own speedometer showed 90 km / h when the civil police car passed him.
Last year the Bureau reviewed 1117 complaints and accusations in Norway. 21 people and two police districts were imposed in these sanctions.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway today