The Polish consul, Slawomir Kowalski, may stay in Norway nevertheless after the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD) asked him to return to Poland.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared the consul undesirable last month, after having been involved in child welfare cases involving Polish families.
This week, UD held meetings with the Polish authorities and agreed that Kowalski may stay in Norway until the two countries have found a solution to the diplomatic crisis according to TV 2 news.
Kowalski has been mentioned several times by Norwegian media in connection with cases related to child welfare in Norway. Among other things, he was said to have contributed actively in assisting Polish families who have been in conflict with the child welfare service.
‘’It is irrelevant which issues he has worked with. His performance is not compatible with his role as a diplomat.
We have received repeated complaints about his behavior from government agencies. It is threatening and partly disruptive behavior. He has also refused to comply with orders from the police’’ said acting deputy director, Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to NTB news at the end of last month.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Scary. In Norway children belong to the goverment, they are not family members. He helped 150 imigrants families just to keep their children. Parents who love their kids should leave this crazy and cold country.
Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde should probably read something about international consular laws – police, even Norway police, doesn’t have a right to order anything to consul.