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Poll shows that Rødt (Red – R) is third largest political party in Oslo

Red - Party leader Bjørnar Moxnes.Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Rødt achieved its best Oslo poll ever, with a total of 9.3% of the votes.The party is thus the city’s third largest.


In the new survey, conducted by Sentio Research for Oslo Labour Party,the red-green alliance received 30 of 59 mandates. One city council representative said it was thanks to Rødt, wrote Dagsavisen newspaper.

‘’These are amazingly good numbers. We got a national breakthrough this autumn, where we have shown that we dare to impose responsibility on power politicians. We started with this in Oslo, said Rødt head, Bjørnar Moxnes, to Dagsavisen.

At the same time as Rødt proceeds, the Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet – Ap) gained 7% since the elections in 2015.

“I am pleased that it is a red majority. We are 25%, usually we are lower at the municipal level than in the whole country, so it’s not hopeless. But I’m happy, we’re going up,” said City Council leader Raymond Johansen (Ap).

In the same poll, Fremskrittsparti (Frp) received a 7% swing upward, up 1% since the elections in 2015. Furthermore, the Registrar receives 32.2 (+0.4),KrF 3 (+0.6), Sp 1.4 (+0.54 ), SV 7.1 (+1.7) and MDG 6.3 (-1.8).

According to the newspaper, the votes are so evenly distributed that over 400 votes would be enough to turn an election result in a municipal election from a red to blue victory.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today