The number of people in Eastern Europe has fallen sharply since 1990,primarily due to emigration.
The number of people in Western Europe on the other hand,has grown between 1990 and 2017 due to immigration,according to an analysis by the Wittgenstein Center for Demography in Vienna.
The countries that have fallen the most in population numbers are Bulgaria,Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina,and Kosovo. Their populations have been reduced by 19% or more since 1990.
According to researchers, this is a decline that is unparalleled in peacetime.
The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia are the only countries in Eastern Europe that have grown slightly between 2 and 3% since 1990.
In Western Europe, birth surpluses have contributed to growth in some countries, such as Ireland and France, with a population increase of 36 and 18% respectively in the past 17 years.
The main reason for growth is immigration. Among the countries that have grown most due to immigration are Switzerland, Spain,and Sweden, where the populations have grown by 26, 20 and 17% respectively.
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