At the end of the second quarter, 5,374,807 people lived in Norway. This corresponds to a population growth of only 2,452 in the quarter, which is the lowest since 1997.
Statistics Norway (SSB) has not registered a lower quarterly population growth than now since 1997.
The population in all four largest municipalities declined in the second quarter. At the beginning of the quarter, there were 694,657 inhabitants in Oslo, while at the end of the quarter there were 694,086, which corresponds to a decrease of 571. In Bergen, the population has fallen by 455, in Trondheim by 479 and in Stavanger by 149.
Negative net immigration
The low population growth is due to the fact that net immigration is negative. Only 5,248 people were registered as immigrants to Norway in the second quarter, compared with an average of 12,600 in the four previous quarters. Especially in April, there was low immigration when only 600 immigrants were registered to Norway. In comparison, 7,076 people were registered as emigrated, which gives a negative net immigration of 1,828.
Low reporting of emigration
So-called “decision emigration” also contributes to low population growth. Immigration to Norway is reported more or less continuously, but many who emigrate from Norway never report to the population register. Over time, people who one has reason to believe have emigrated are reported as emigrated by the population register. More such decisions were made than usual in the second quarter – a total of 4,400.
Not much change in number of births and deaths
There were 4,280 more who were born than who died in Norway in the second quarter, which is about normal. The number of births and the number of deaths have not changed significantly from the second quarter of 2019.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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