Erna Solberg active on the Beach Cleaning Day
Prime Minister Erna Solberg contributed in collecting garbage at Langåra in Oslofjorden during the beach cleaning day, which was arranged for the first time on Saturday.
– Littering of the ocean is a very serious and increasing threat to marine life. Beach cleaning is a great virtue made by volunteers to clear the coast of garbage, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
Together with the Minister for Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, she picked up trash along the coast of Langåra to mark that the beach cleaning day is being arranged for the first time.
– Norway is heading the Nordic Council of Ministers this year and has a high priority for seepage of the sea.
The Nordic Environment Ministers earlier this week, based on a proposal from Norway, adopted a program for more sustainable use of plastics and measures against seepage.
The countries also joined the UN campaign against naval deprivation, says Helgesen.
The Nordic Beach cleaning Day is organized by ‘Hold Norge Rent’ and their Nordic sister organizations, and is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
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