Both Norway and India are port nations and the two countries will benefit from cooperating more in this area, said Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
Solberg began a two-day official visit to India on Monday by opening a business seminar in New Delhi.
“India has the fastest growing economy in the G20 and we see great opportunities for Norwegian-Indian partnerships in business, commerce, and investment” Solberg said in her speech.
‘’Both Norway and India are sea states and closer cooperation in this area will serve both countries. The marine dialogue between Norway and India will be an important tool’’ she said.
Big interest
Over 140 visitors from Norwegian companies were included in the business delegation to India, and a crowded hall showed great interest from the Indian side. During the seminar, 15 cooperation agreements were signed. Among
other things, the Norwegian company, Sterner, will collaborate with Indian Omega Aqua on the farming of rainbow trout in the Himalayas.
The Prime Minister emphasised that business cooperation must be based on sustainable principles. She took the opportunity to praise India’s ambitions for climate and the environment, and pointed out that the country
was rapidly joining the Paris Agreement and has imposed a ban on disposable plastic.
Important for the sustainability goals
Solberg noted that India is important for achieving the UN’s sustainability goals.
‘’When you have a country with almost 1.5 billion people, it goes without saying that what they do is going to have extreme significance. But India has also been concerned with sustainable growth over time, in relation to climate and sustainable energy sources, but also sustainable consumption.’’
150 companies
Today, around 150 Norwegian companies are present in India, and there arebetween 10 and 15 Norwegian-owned factories, according to Innovasjon Norge.
‘’Traditionally, Norwegian companies have been involved in shipping, oil and gas, and maritime industries. These will still be important, but we are seeing increasing interest in areas such as renewable energy, green shipping with LNG and other fuels, such as electricity, bioenergy and hydrogen, aquaculture, ICT, health, and defence” said Innovasjon Norge’s director in India, Helge Tryti .
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