The Prime Minister: Facebook in the wrong about Vietnam images

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Facebook are in the wrong when they censor such images,  Prime Minister Erna Solberg writes on her Facebook profile about the removal of the iconic image of the Vietnam War.

– This is an image that has played an important part in shaping world history. A picture of a terrified children fleeing war.

I appreciate the work Facebook and other media are doing to stop content and pictures showing abuse and violence. It is important that we all help to combat violence and abuse against children, the Prime Minister writes  according to Dagens Næringsliv.

– But Facebook are in the wrong when they censor such images. By doing this they are  restraining the freedom of speech, she adds.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today


1 Comment on "The Prime Minister: Facebook in the wrong about Vietnam images"

  1. Gerald Sinclair | 9. September 2016 at 16:47 |

    Facebook censors more than that – it is adding to the very quickly diminishing credibility of anything USA in the non USA world.
    We will see what happens after their election but at 240 years old there are strong signals of the typical historical decline of an Empire.

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