Prime Minister worried about low birth rates, asks Norwegians to make more babies
There are too few children born in this country for the Norwegian welfare model to be continued according to Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Høyre (H). She asked Norwegians to make more babies.
“I don’t think I need to explain how this is done. Nor should I give any orders,” said the Prime Minister in her New Year’s speech.
Behind the humorous statements lies a greater seriousness. There are too few children in
Norway for the Norwegian welfare model to be maintained at todays level. Each of us must have just over two children on average if we are to maintain the population. Today, only 1.6 children per Norwegian are born.
“Our society goes around because adults take care of the children. And employers provide for the elderly. Over the next decades, we are having problems with this model. We Norwegians are getting fewer children” Solberg said.
Free to the Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) people
She also pointed out that for many reasons many people wait a long time for children, which means that more people have problems getting pregnant and need the help of the health service to get them. The Prime Minister therefore believes there is reason to ask whether it is “too difficult to get children early”.
“We have to make good arrangements to have children during their studies and early in their career,” she concluded.
Her New Year speech largely revolves around the children, the family and how the Prime Minister wants the Norwegian society to be the best at giving children and young people security and opportunities. If Solberg has a desire to connect with grassroots in the KrF before the very difficult government negotiations take place on Wednesday, she will at least not antagonise them with the New Year’s speech.
It resembled many of the speeches that are performed each year at krF’s national meetings.
The family is most important
“The family is the most important and closest community we have,” she said, and followed up by saying that “when we bring children to the world, it is important what kind of society we leave to them”.
The answer is a society that is in just as good a condition as when it was generated.
“We call it a sustainable welfare society. Economically sustainable because more people come to work and more work longer before they retire. Socially sustainable by maintaining trust and small differences between people. That we include more and avoid groups being left on the outside. And environmentally sustainable by taking care of the climate and the environment,” said the Prime Minister.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Norwegians should duck very often to make babies!
Hi, I will like to come to Norway and settle there,a and probably make more babies, any help??