The Government will give the Norwegian authorities the right to demand DNA testing of those who claim kinship to Norwegian nationals and therefore claim reunion.
Today, Norwegian embassies can request DNA tests, but do cannot demand them, Dagbladet writes.
The Justice Department says that falsification of kinship is a widespread problem.
The Government proposes to amend the both the Children’s- and the Citizenship Act to require DNA testing of paternity for children born outside the country. The purpose is to prevent people from gaining Norwegian citizenship on the wrong basis.
– Children who are born elsewhere often lack a birth certificate. It may raise doubts about the child’s identity, and there is a risk that the child has a different parenthood and is already a citizen of another country, says Minister for Children and Family, Solveig Horne.
– When we see how many people are abusing our systems and regulations, we should at least ensure that paternity is accurate.
If you come to Norway and obtain Norwegian nationality, you gain access to many privileges. We must sever the loopholes, acting Minister for Immigration, Per Sandberg, (Progressive Party, FrP) relays to Dagbladet.
He refers to the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) who predicts that 2017 will be a record year for family immigration to Norway.
In 2016 5,500 came to people to Norway as family immigrants. Most of them from Asia or Africa. Nearly 7,000 were under the age of18, according to figures from the UDI.
DNA tests are to be being done through saliva samples.
The proposal will now be sent out with a three-month deadline to reply.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today