Putin drops the shirt – as per usual
Russian President Vladimir Putin drops the shirt and relaxes on his short holiday in Siberia with diving, fishing and sunbathing. The Russian machismo is once again in full flight, while his US counterpart, Donald Trump is once again trying to put tiny balls into holes in the turf.
In a series of propoganda pictures and TV footage that was broadcast on state television on Saturday, Russians could see their president drive a boat, dive, swim and fish. As usual on such occasions, he prefers to display a naked upper body.
In his entourage is Minister of Defense, Sergej Sjoigu, – clad in a similar fashion as his boss – and other officials.
Radiant fisherman
– It was a good catch, says a radiant Putin, displaying a fish before the camera.
During the trip earlier this week, going to virgin rivers and lakes in the forest near the border with Mongolia, Putin for the first time tried underwater fishing using a harpoon. The recordings show the President underwater wearing a wet suit as he harpoons a large pike.
– It is very sly and careful, Putin says as he at last brings the fish ashore after two hours of underwater hunting.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today