Regulations for the catch of Redbait in place
“We now have enough knowledge to be able to open up for a sustainable harvest of Redbait. This will facilitate Norwegian industry and more Norwegian jobs,” Minister of Fisheries, Harald T. Nesvik, states.
Redbait (Calanus finmarchicus) is zooplankton of the crustacean family. It plays an important role in the marine ecosystems of Norwegian sea areas, especially in the Norwegian Sea. The species is an important source of food for several central fish stocks. The knowledge we now have about the Redbait stock provides the basis for establishing commercial fishing.
“I have chosen a cautious approach in the quota determination because Redbait is a key species in the ecosystem, especially in the most coast near areas,” he continues.
The zooplankton is currently scantly utilised in Norway. It has a commercial potential due to large biomass in addition to high protein and fat content. Dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics and feed for marine fry, are some possible uses.
“It is a goal that the regulations facilitate innovation. Five harvesting permits for companies that do not fulfil the activity requirement in the Participation Act, will, for example, be made available. It will be a precondition that these companies facilitate processing either onboard the harvesting vessel itself, or on Norwegian soil,” the Norwegian Minister of Fisheries concludes.
- It will be allowed for Norwegian vessels (with a permit) to run commercial harvesting of Redbait (No: Rødåte).
This applies to the harvesting of it in large parts of the Norwegian jurisdiction area and in international waters in the Norwegian Sea. - The total quota for 2019 is set at 254,000 tonnes.
- An area quota of 3,000 tonnes is set, which can be harvested in a coastal area between the baseline and 1,000 meters depth (internal area).
- No vessel quotas are set at the moment.
- Vessels with operating bases in other fisheries can be awarded the Redbait trawl permit, which gives the right to harvest Redbait in the area outside the 1,000-meter quay (outer area).
- 10 limited Redbait trawl licenses are issued, which entitle operators to harvest in the inner area up to and including 2029. Five of these are issued to vessels with an operating basis in other fisheries (category 2). The other five are issued to vessels owned by companies that are exempted from the activity requirement in the Participation Act (category 1). It is a prerequisite for a permit in category 1 that it is facilitated for processing on board the harvesting vessel or on land in Norway. Category 1 vessels are not allowed to harvest stocks besides Redbait.
- According to Section 66 of the Marine Resources Act, Calanus AS has been granted a trial permit which entitles the holder to harvest 5,000 tonnes of Redbait annually in coastal areas up to and including 2022. This trial permit is not affected by that commercial harvesting will be allowed.
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