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Rema and Mega lose kudos among their own customers

Rema Rema 1000Rema 1000. Photo:

Rema has gone from having satisfied to indifferent customers when measured on the Norwegian Customer Barometer (Norsk Kundebarometer).

The Norwegian customer barometer shows how satisfied customers are with companies that have a permanent customer relationship, and is conducted by the Department of Marketing at BI Norwegian Business School.

On the list of chain supermarkets, Rema has plummeted from second to fifth place, according to Dagens Næringsliv (DN) business newspaper. With 70.9% of satisfied customers, down from 75.3 percent, they have dropped below the level set for so-called customer satisfaction, which is 75.

Only Menu, which tops the list at 76.7%, can satisfy themselves that their customers are, generally, satisfied. The chain’s arch rival, Mega, Norway’s most expensive supermarket chain on VG’s food stock exchange, has fallen lower in its customer’s estimation than Rema.

‘Rema has been unlucky with everything they have done. Even what the chain themselves thought was good, was poorly received.

The figures confirm everything we have seen and heard about Rema in recent months, because both customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty are falling’, said project manager, Pål Silseth, at the Norwegian Customer Barometer.

Silseth still believes Rema can pull itself together, and he has less faith in Mega.

‘Mega has performed poorly over a period of time, and then there has to be something about the concept itself.

As it stands now, Mega will lose its market share’, said Silseth, and Norway watched with baited breath, floundering on the very precipice, pondering whether these fateful words had sounded a mournful death knell for the ailing, ‘mega-priced’ supermarket chain.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today