A 28 year old man in Stavanger District Court sentenced to three months’ imprisonment for having posted nude photos of his ex-girlfriend online.
The verdict was in line with the prosecutor’s plea, writes Stavanger Aftenblad.
Defendant did not appear in court when the criminal case was completed earlier in February, but during police interrogation he admitted to have published photos of the aggrieved woman and several other ex-lovers.
Admittal however, came only after he had been confronted by police of findings on his computer, according to Stavanger Aftenblad. The images have according to the verdict, been published between August 2014 and March 2015.
– To publish intimate pictures of others on the internet is a serious violation of their integrity, and general deterrence considerations warrant severe punishment, writes Judge Ragnhild Olsnes in the verdict.
In addition to jail sentence, 28-year-old is to pay the woman NOK 50,000 in damages and an additional 3,000 in legal fees.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today