Chinese tourists have used over 8,000 million NOK in average when visiting Rogaland county. Chinese investors lure more rich Chinese people to the county.
According to the newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad, a typical Chinese tourist use 32.150 NOK during his holiday stay in Rogaland county. Also the Asians and Spaniards is a good source of income for the tourism sector.
The Chinese businessman Dong Guo says to the newspaper that he will invest at least 200 million dollars in the region.
– There are two ways to make money. You can sell something that many people want, or you can sell something to a small group who is willing to spend a lot of money, said Guo.
Preferably he will build a spa and wellness hotel on the road up to the Pulpit Rock with its own heliport, but he understands that it is not so easy to get permission for that in Norway.
– Tourism must be the new oil, says Hakon Lund to the newspaper. He is building the tallest building in the region, and the building is set to be 80 meters high.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today