Russia offers Norway assistance in the mediation between the opposition and the regime in Venezuela, which this week will take place in Oslo.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed this weekend that delegates from the regime and the opposition in Venezuela will meet this week for a new round of talks, about a week after they were last in Oslo.
The regime’s delegation is according to the news agency AP, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and President Nicolás Maduro’s close adviser Jorge Rodríguez.
The opposition is represented by the Vice President of Venezuela’s Opposition-Controlled National Assembly, Stalin Gonzalez, Former Caracas Mayor Gerardo Blyde and Former Transport Minister Fernando Martínez Mottola.
Guaidós wife
On Monday, Fabiana Rosales, wife of Venezuelan opposition leader and self-appointed President Juan Guaidó, was also on stage during the Oslo Freedom Forum Human Rights Conference. It is not known if she will also attend the talks.
Guaidó has previously been somewhat lukewarm about the talks in Norway, but confirms that his opposition will participate.
“We must play on all strings, we must have an active presence in all places,” he said this weekend.
Maduro has not commented on the latest round of talks, but has previously said that he is happy for Norway’s attempts to establish dialogue and negotiations with the opposition.
President Nicolás Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution will express their gratitude to Norway for the support of dialogue for peace and sovereignty, Arreaza said after the previous visit to Oslo.
Russia wants to take part
On Monday, the Maduro regime’s foremost supporter Russia, also came onto the field and offered to assist Norway in an attempt to bring forward a political solution for Venezuela.
Russia applauds the announcement of continued contact and asks all countries involved in the situation in Venezuela to endorse this process, said the announcement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, published by the Spanish news agency Europa Press.
“Russia is willing to provide assistance to the talks in Norway between the government and the opposition in Venezuela,” he said.
No comment
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not want to say on Monday whether the Venezuela talks will be in Oslo, where they take place and who will participate.
We do not want to comment on this beyond what we stated on Saturday, says communications adviser Ingrid Kvammen Ekker to NTB.
Norway praises the parties for their efforts, and we value their willingness to find a solution, said a brief announcement from Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide.
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