Imagine the consequences! Say no to illegal drugs! That is the call from the police to students in the country’s upper secondary schools.
For a fortnight, the police will meet students at over 100 schools to explain why it is not smart to say ‘yes thank you’ to illegal drugs.
The campaign will take place in weeks 36 and 37 at upper secondary schools across Norway. Not all the country’s schools will get a visit by the police, but those who do can look forward to exciting talks, and to meet the police who are involved in their schools.
Illegal drugs
Drugs and narcotic substances are prohibited in Norway. Drugs are illegal to use, store, manufacture, bring into the country, buy, and supply to others.
Today, Norwegian youth are largely law-abiding, and committed to a low degree of crime. Norwegian youth, generally, take very good positions, and are among the youth groups in Europe who experiment the least with drugs.
Nevertheless, there are a few who are tempted to try illegal drugs.
Through this campaign, the police are trying to reach out to as many youngsters as possible, to inform them about the consequences of illegal drug abuse.
Source: / Norway Today
Drugs are a medical problem, not a law enforcement problem, anti-drug laws have never accomplished anything in any country except create street gangs.