Several halls and centers were illegally open in Trondheim on Thursday

TrondheimPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

Inspections will be carried out in Trondheim after several bingo halls, entertainment activity centers, and similar facilities were open on Thursday, even though they were not allowed to operate.

According to the newspaper Adresseavisen, Trondheim Municipality received tips that several companies that fall under the new corona regulations were open on Thursday.

According to the regulations, which came into force on Thursday, “amusement parks, bingo halls, gaming halls, bowling alleys, and similar places” have to be closed.

“There are many who didn’t get it. We have received many complaints and tips about this. We have called all the companies that were reported,” environmental manager Hans Fredrik Kvitvang said.

The Municipality is now announcing inspections.

“On Friday and during the weekend, we will go out and check whether they comply with the ban,” Kvitvang said.

The Norwegian government will make a new assessment of the corona measures on April 12.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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