Significant decline in juvenile delinquency in Oslo

The police station in Greenland in the Oslo police district.Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB scanpix

The Oslo police feared that closed borders and infection measures would lead to increased crime among young people. Instead, there has been a significant decline according to recent figures.

Child and juvenile delinquency until July this year fell by 34 percent compared with the same period last year, writes NRK.

-”It may be due to a positive change in young people’s behavior, it may have to do with the Corona situation and of course the police control operations.”, says leader, Rune Swahn, of the Oslo Police Preventative Unit.

The perpetrators in the relevant statistics are between 10 and 17 years of age. 

The largest decrease is in the number of reported drug offenses, which has decreased by 60 percent. During the first seven months of last year, 402 such cases were registered, compared to the 161 so far this year. 

The number of reports of violence has also decreased in the same period, a decrease of 33 percent. Swahn reminds that the figure only gives an indication of the violent crime that is being committed.

-”When the reduction is as large as 33 percent from last year on registered violent crime, we believe it represents a change in behavior.”, he says. 

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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