Six out of ten Norwegians doubt immunity after corona infection, survey shows

Girls - face maskPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

According to a new study from the Norwegian Corona Monitor, two in three people are unsure of how dangerous the coronavirus is for most people, and six out of ten doubt immunity.

The Norwegian Corona Monitor from Opinion has asked 6,000 Norwegians if they find it difficult to assess how dangerous the coronavirus is for most people.

Two out of three Norwegians, 66%, now answer that they find it difficult to assess. In June, 58% answered the same.

There are also doubts about whether infection leads to immunity to the virus. 

Six in ten now believe that you will not become immune if you become infected with the coronavirus. 

New tendencies

Three out of ten think they will become immune, while 10% don’t know.

In June, 25% thought that infection led to immunity, 46% didn’t think so, and 29% answered that they did not know.

“There is a tendency for those who were previously unsure about whether infection gave immunity to now rather say ‘no’ than ‘yes,'” Nora Clausen at Opinion said.

Clausen added that the proportion of those worried about being infected with the coronavirus in October is higher than the average during the entire pandemic.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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