Slippery roads cause havoc in the East of Norway
The metro line between Østerås and Hovseter in Oslo is reopened after a car ended up in the tracks on Wednesday. Police warn against slippery roads and difficult driving conditions.
The police have received several reports of traffic accidents in the afternoon hours on Wednesday, and both the police, the Road Traffic Centre and the meteorologists report slippery roads several places in Norway. On Wednesday morning, yellow hazard warning was issued due to undercooled rain and difficult driving conditions.
The meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute, Martin Granerød, tells NTB that it is expected rainfall and milder weather in the coming days, and ask people who are to get into the traffic be aware of the driving conditions and drive safely.
Leave the car at home
Operations Manager in Oslo Police District, Marianne Heidenstrøm, informs NRK that people have to consider whether they are going to drive today and basically recommend leaving their car behind.
– We see from our traffic cameras that there are many cars out on the roads. We have received notice about five traffic accidents in a short period of time, which is abnormally many. On Røa it was a somewhat serious accident. You have to drive according to the conditions, she urges.
At Røa there was a full stop on the Metro after a passenger car ended up on the tracks at Røa Metro Station between Hovseter and Røa. According to police, it was slippery and difficult driving conditions that led to the car to skid of the road and down onto the track. The metro line between Østerås and Hovseter is now reopened after the incident.
Currently, it is run every 15 minutes between Røa and Ellingsrudåsen and every half hour between Røa and Østerås. Oslo Sporveier tweets that delays must be expected.
T-banetrafikken mellom Tøyen og Brynseng er gjenopptatt – forsinkelser må fortsatt påregnes – takk for tålmodigheten!
— Sporveien (@SporveienAS) December 17, 2018
Drive cautiously
At Siggerud the police first received a message that a semi-trailer had skidded off the E6 and ended up in the ditch. Emergency services moved out to the site but nobody was injured. Only an hour later, another passenger car with six passengers on board drove off the road in the same area. Everybody in the car is out of it.
Just after three pm the police tweets that a car that had driven off the road and ended up on its roof outside Bykleheivegen in Vinje in Telemark. The woman who drove the car probably broke her arm and suffers pain in her neck and back.
At E16 at Ådal in Buskerud, the police in the Southeast reports just after 12.30 that the emergency services had moved out to a collision between three cars and a semi-trailer. Five people have been injured in the chain collision, but none of them critically.
According to the Public Transporter, Ruter, several bus routes are either cancelled or delayed in the Oslo area.
The police report that there are very slippery road conditions in Oslo and recommend people who are to enter the traffic to think twice whether it is really necessary to do so.
#Vinje #Rv9 #Bykleheivegen kl 1505: Melding om enslig bil som har kjørt av veien. Bilen ligger på taket utenfor veien. En kvinnelig fører i bilen som mulig har brukket en arm og har vondt i nakke og rygg. Nødetater er på vei.
— Politiet i Sør-Øst (@politietsorost) December 26, 2018
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