A small plane with a Norwegian pilot is reported missing east of Sendai in Japan after it disappeared from radar on Thursday.
It was confirmed by Minister,Tord Tukun, at the Norwegian embassy in Tokyo to NTB news.
“We were informed by Japanese authorities and through the media around 19.00 on Thursday night,” he said. Furthermore,Tukun said the Embassy are in constant contact with the authorities who have initiated a search action.
It was VG newspaper who first broke the story in Norway.
According to the Japanese State channel, NHK, the small plane had found its way across the Pacific, about 100 kilometres east of Fukushima when it disappeared from radar on Thursday afternoonThere was not an emergency warning from the aircraft before it disappeared.
NHK reported that both the Coast Guard and the Coastal Rescue Service contributed in the exploration action.
Minister of Finance,Tukun, could not answer whether the Norwegian relatives had been notified and referred enquiries to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD).
Communication adviser, Guri Solberg of the UD, did not want to comment on the matter to NTB news on Thursday night.
© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today