Solberg starts a long election campaign with four cities in two days

Prime Minister Erna Solberg .Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

Leader of the Conservatives and Prime Minister Erna Solberg points out that there is one year left for the municipal elections by visiting Oslo, Tromsø, Trondheim and Bergen next week.


The destinations are not randomly picked out. The Labor Party sits with the city councillors or mayors in all four major cities. The right-wing leader has the ambition to change at the next crossroads.

On the national polls, Ap (Labor) rose, and overall the red-green majority was on the average of the measurements in August. In the big cities, there appears to be a leak from the Ap to the parties on the left, while the Right appears to be in line with progress from 2015.

Solberg starts the big city tour in Oslo on Monday and ends in Bergen on Tuesday. Tromsø is on the program Monday evening and Trondheim Tuesday morning.

As the NTB understands, there is an initiative about, among other things, school policy, elderly care and defence during Solberg’s two-day start of her long election campaign.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today