Having to work during their traditionally free summer weeks. This may be the price the politicians must pay for the special Coronavirus law to be extended by one more month.
The government proposed on Friday to extend the Special Emergency Act until 27 June 2019. May. After all, the proposal will be endorsed in Parliament.
“We have said that with the situation we have now, Parliament must have some form of presence this summer, if we do not have enough people in higher leadership roles,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) told NTB.
The reason is that cases may appear during the summer that needs to be processed quickly.
“This means that the traditional summer recess that Parliament has had, where one has been able to plan for there to be no meetings at Parliament over an eight-week period, one cannot expect that this summer,” she says.
More normal work
The Prime Minister stresses that she perceives the signals from Parliament that the Assembly plans to keep “summer open.”
“As long as Parliament can function, this is not so dangerous for us. This was something we also promoted because we were in a situation where it looked like Parliament would not meet so much,” she says of the Emergency Law.
Duringthe Easter week, Parliament announced that the work would go on more as normal after Easter. However, how work will be done during the summer has not been clarified.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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