International law forbids poison gas-attacks upon civilians. Syria’s alleged poison gas-attacks upon the city of Douma last Saturday, April 7th, has brought forth universal diplomatic condemnations. The United States and others are now warning of military avenues being weighed to squelch the illegal atrocities being waged upon Syria’s suffering civilians.
Late last night, April 12th, Syria’s ally Russia moved troops & equipment into Douma and established military positions throughout the city. Both the U.S. & France have postured the military option of using deadly rocket launches upon Syrian positions, but this new Russian occupation of Douma casts doubt upon proposed possible Western military actions.
With possible war-sabers rattling, Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) issued statement yesterday that Norway hasn’t been asked to join Western allies within any scenario of possible military action against Syria’s military.
Norwegian News Agency posts Minister Søreide’s statement of Norway’s exclusion from possible Western military retaliations against Syria; ‘Thus far, there’s been no diplomatic request for Norway becoming a military partner in any action against Syria.’, adding that Norway’s military involvement within a potential Western military move against Syria isn’t a topical issue.
Germany’s Prime Minister Merkel gave statement yesterday that Germany sees no indication of participating within a Western military action against Syria, saying that although Germany won’t offer military support to a Western action, she thinks it essential to send signal to Syria’s government that using illegal chemical weapons is unacceptable.
The U.S./France report having evidence of Syria’s government using chemical weapons upon Douma. Syria denies the accusation.
Russia’s ambassador to Lebanon publicly threatened that Russia ‘s military will be used to repel any Western military action against Syria, ether by striking back against incoming Western missiles or striking back at Western launch sites.
Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin gave statement upon Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV, saying (in Arabic); ‘If there’s an American rocket strike,then…the missiles will be downed and even the sources from where the missiles were fired (will be targeted).’
When asked if Russia and the U.S. would be fighting each other, Ambassador Zasypkin said that such an event was not possible and “…should be ruled out.Therefore, we (Russia) are ready to hold negotiations (with the West.)”
Tuesday, April 10th, Russia and the U.S. dueled each other within the U.N.Security Council, with Russia blocking a call for international investigation of alleged chemical weapons use upon Syrian civilians.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Day of Judgment? All involved will decide! As of me? God’s Will Be done, PERIOD
Russia was invited into Syria by one of the most barbaric regimes that ever was! The 10% Alawites in Bashar’s army with the help of Russia and with the excuse of fighting ISIS have butchered and or displaced great parts of the Sunni population which was around 80% of all of Syria!
Most of the destruction in Syria has come by the barbaric bombardment of Syria’s Army and with the help of Russia’s Air-force and help with man power from Iran and Hezbollah troops!
The Russian military are not ignorant of all of these facts!
I do not want to see Norway helping to kill Russians by no means. Nor Germany nor any European nation close to Russia, YOU ARE BROTHERS/SISTERS all of You; but…things have to change and borders re-drawn to suit the Kurds, the Alawites and BY THE MOST PART THE SUNNI!
If war with Russia is to be avoided over the Syrian conflict, RUSSIA WILL HAVE TO COME UP WITH ANSWERS and Just Solutions to what I have just stated!
In as far as Israel and Iran You Russia or anyone else can stay out of that conflict which Iran is the culprit of…. ME?………I will not stay out of that conflict with IRAN IF THEIR EVIL IDIOCY OF WANTING TO DESTROY ISRAEL PERSISTS!!!!!!!!!!!
My advice to my Russian Brothers and Sisters….stay clear out of the conflict between Israel and Iran or ARMAGEDDON for sure will be a reality and great parts of human kind will disappear!!!!!!!!!!! I pray world war can be avoided Inshallah!