The Labour tops are under pressure from its own party in the asylum policy, but Norwegian laws and regulations in this are should not be changed, according to Labour leader Jonas Gahr Støre.
He summed the debate up at the Labour’s National Congress where many have been committed to how to deal with the situation regarding unaccompanied minor asylum seekers.
– My advice, dear assembly, is that we must be a powerful opposition and be reminded that this should be practiced in line with our international obligations and the values Norway stand for, according to Støre.
– At the same time, I mean that we will not enter into and amend laws and regulations now that send signals that Norwegian policy is changing. Because that should not be the case, he stressed.
– The best practice of this regulation, which is humane, predictable and sustainable, will take place after September when a new government is in place.
At the Labour’s last National Congress in 2015, Støre stated from the pulpit that Norway should receive 10,000 Syrian refugees, split over two years; 5,000 in 2015 and the same number in 2016.
Støre was subsequently criticized by the Government for sending out an unfortunate signal of liberalization in the Norwegian asylum and immigration policy and was partially the cause of the influx of migrants and asylum seekers at the time.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today