Summer’s end in sight

Weather in Norway

The bonus summer occurring across Norway may be over before the weekend comes.

 – We are experiencing the last rays of summer before the weather turns this weekend, says state meteorologist Tone Christin Thaule at the Meteorological Institute.

This is especially true for Trøndelag and further north. But most of us probably have to face the fact that we are moving into early fall.

Peak temperatures
– You cannot call this summer anymore, it is now early autumn. This also applies to Western Norway. It will be a little better in Eastern Norway, although you can expect the occasional rain shower there too, but the temperatures will be better here. Probably up to 20 degrees on Friday. But then there will be gradually lower temperatures during the weekend, with maybe as high as 16 degrees during Sunday, she says.

In western Norway, it will be between 16 to 17 degrees at best and maybe peak at temperatures of 15 degrees on Saturday and Sunday.

– If you are lucky, says the state meteorologist.

Low pressure from the Norwegian Sea and will cause showers in Western Norway and in the mountains. This weather will continue on Saturday, while on Sunday this activity will decrease somewhat.

Several rain showers
The precipitation arrives in Trøndelag on Friday and at the same time gives more unstable winds further north in the country.

– There will be windy weather in most of northern Norway Friday, it seems. First in Nordland and then further north.

Tone Christin Thaule at the Meteorological Institute warns of further showers on Saturday and low pressure over the region also on Sunday.

Positive degrees in the mountains
Even if temperatures go down all across the country compared to the nice days we have experienced lately temperature will stay on the plus side in the near future.

– There is no danger to the mountain pass roads yet. Even Finse will get plus degrees in the near future. If some snow should fall, it will only be on the high mountains. So far, it seems that we can expect plus degrees everywhere, says the state meteorologist.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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