The record books need updating. On March 1st, those lucky souls living within Folldal had the pleasure of seeing minus (-) 41.8 °F temperatures, a new low within Norway.
The previous record was – 39.5 °F, set at Drevsjø, March 5, 1949.
The First of March is the first day of spring in Norway. While most consider spring as only starting with the March spring equinox, Spring may begin as early as February in some southern parts of Norway, bringing melting snows and the sprouting of flowers.
1st March, 2018 saw record-breaking low temperatures within several Norwegian communities. Hedmark, Oppland and Buskerud all gained new lows. Leirflaten In Oppland was the second coldest within Norway at – 40.7 °F. Lesjaskog enjoyed – 35.5 °F.
Buskerud broke 1932’s 86 year temperature record with a dip to – 35.5 °F.
Folldal’s – 41 °F temperatures made it the coldest within Norway for 2 days in a row. Tynset in Hedmark also set a new record with – 39.7 °F.
‘These super low temperatures are clear record setters for March.’ stated meteorologist Eldbjørg Moxnes of the Meteorological Institute.
Extremely low temperatures have been recorded throughout most of Western Norway and new temperature records are expected to continue throughout the month of March.
Fahrenheit scale should read °C / Celsius — bww
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