A majority in the Swedish parliament (Riksdag) wants to employ Norwegian police officers to solve the shortage in Sweden. The Swedish Police Association welcomes the proposal.
Last year, the Swedish Police Association proposed that the government should investigate the possibilities of strengthening the Swedish police by employing police officers from Norway.
The proposal is included in the budget proposal of the Christian Democrats, which was recently presented.
According to Swedish Radio, the party wants police officers from Norway – after additional education – to be able to get a job in Sweden.
According to the radio channel, a majority in the Riksdag is positive about the proposal.
The Liberals, the Center Party, the Sweden Democrats, and the Moderates all think the proposal is interesting.
“Wrong way”
Fredrik Lundh Sammeli, chair of the justice committee in the Swedish National Assembly for the Social Democrats, believes that recruiting Norwegian police officers is the wrong way to go.
“I think the best thing is to focus on how we can get more Swedish young people to apply to the Police Academy,” he said.
Polisförbundet, which corresponds to Politiets Fellesforbund in Norway, emphasized that measures are necessary.
“The police and the government must turn every stone to ensure that we get more police officers in Sweden,” the organization’s leader Lena Nitz wrote on Twitter.
Trade union positive
The Norwegian Police Association in Norway is positive to the proposal, according to the Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
“If you can’t work in Norway, it is better to practice your profession in Sweden. And when Norwegian police officers are wanted in Sweden, there is nothing better than that,” union leader Sigve Bolstad told the channel.
According to him, 600 newly trained police officers in Norway don’t get a police job each year.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
If the Swedish police was allowed to do their job properly and then the courts actually punished the criminals the police caught instead of letting them go to reoffend like they do at the moment then more Swedish people would think it might be worth it to join the police force but as it is it the moment with police having grenades thrown at them and being shot at and then the courts just let the criminals go free again why on earth would Norway be considering sacrificing their sons and daughters for a country that doesn’t care about its own sons and daughters. Norway would be crazy to go for this plan and make Sweden clean up the mess they have created in their country
Absolutely right, Gat.
Why doesn’t instead – since it has completely/terminally bungled its governmental responsibility both in dealing with the ethnic mafiya gangs and coronavirus – the Swedish government just resign and turn Sweden over to Norway’s more responsible Høyre government for governance? … as long as “Swedes” are still stopped from coming across the border to murder Norwegians with knives and/or coronavirus, until Sweden is brought up to at least Norway’s law enforcement and public health standards.