Swedish PM Stefan Löfven: It’s irresponsible to throw the country into a political crisis

Stefan LöfvenPhoto: Jonas Ekströmer / TT / NTB

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven calls the motion of no-confidence against his government irresponsible.

“We are still in the middle of a pandemic,” Löfven said at a press conference on Thursday afternoon.

The confidence vote will take place in the Swedish parliament (Riksdag) on Monday. Löfven didn’t want to reveal what he will do if his government falls. 

He has two choices and must decide within a week: announce new elections or resign.

Majority in support of a no-confidence vote

The no-confidence motion in connection with a dispute over rent regulation has the support of the Moderates, the Sweden Democrats, the Left Party, and the Christian Democrats. Together, the parties have a majority in the Riksdag. 

The Prime Minister is particularly critical of the fact that the Left Party is willing to support the motion. 

“It is completely incomprehensible,” he stated.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Swedish PM Stefan Löfven: It’s irresponsible to throw the country into a political crisis"

  1. Lofven is ultimately responsible for over 10,000 of his people needlessly dying of COVID and for letting the 40 mafiya clan gangs take control of Swedish cities, and he’s in trouble over *rent*??

    Not funny. Disgusting.

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