The Defense department lacks aircraft technicians, and the lack should be a critical point in the OAG’s secretly stamped report on the new F-35 aircraft.
It claims the Class struggle, which has spoken to a centrally located source with insight into the report.
According to the newspaper, Parliament has just finalized the controversial report from the OAG which the Ministry of Defense wanted to keep secret, which a majority of the control committee accepted.
Norway will purchase up to 52 F-35 fighter aircraft to replace the F-16 aircraft, which was phased out from 2019. By 2025, all new fighter aircraft will be ready, but qualified aircraft technicians are also required, and Norway has long struggled.
According to Klassekampen, the technician situation is central to the report, where the defense not only lacks aircraft technicians, but also struggles to recruit new ones and retain those they have.
The Ministry of Defense does not want to comment on the report. The air defense confirms a shortage of technicians, but rejects the situation as serious.
At the Kjevik school center outside Kristiansand, where technicians are trained, the goal is to teach over 40 new technicians a year.
– We have a deficit of 20 to 25 seats each year, says Torbjørn Strand, head of the Norwegian Officers Association at Kjevik.
– “It will have consequences eventually. It will cause collapse. We’re not going to get the planes up in the air,” he says.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Yes but we have F35