The Director of Health is concerned about the situation in Oslo

OsloOslo.Photo Norway Today Media

Director of Health, Bjørn Guldvog, says he is concerned that Oslo may once again become an epicenter of the Corona pandemic after increasing numbers of infection recently.

-”I am worried, and it is extremely important for us to quickly control the situation. It is then important to say that I know that formidable work is being done to make it happen. I understand that it is demanding, and we would like to work with the City of Oslo to gain control of the situation.”,  says Guldvog to Aftenposten.

He further emphasizes that Norway is far better equipped to face an outbreak now compared to March.

On Sunday, VG wrote that Oslo, in the past two weeks has registered 156 new infection cases. That corresponds to 22.49 infections per 100,000 people.

The National Institute of Public Health’s requirement to designate countries as “green” is that they must have less than 20 infected per 100,000 people in the last 14 days. 

Despite the increasing infection, it is not relevant to introduce any closure in Oslo at the moment according to City Councilor, Raymond Johansen.

-”The most important thing is to test people, to manage to trace the infection, and possibly isolate the infected.”, Johansen said to Dagbladet. 

However, he adds that stricter measures may be relevant if the infection further spreads. 

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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