40 percent of those surveyed for the Norwegian Corona monitoring survey, now state that they are worried about becoming Corona-infected. This is the highest proportion measured so far.
Opinion has asked a total of 54,000 Norwegians regarding concerns about being infected with the Corona virus during the pandemic in recent months.
So far in August, 40 percent state that they are worried about being infected. 31 percent are not worried and the rest, 29 percent, answer neither nor.
– In August, we see a record level in the number of Norwegians who are worried about being infected. We are currently even above the average for March, says senior adviser Nora Clausen in Opinion.
The study shows that the risk of becoming infected increases with age. The level of concern has increased in all age groups, with the exception of those under 30, which are unchanged compared with the average during the epidemic.
64 percent of those surveyed say they are worried that someone in the family will be infected with the Coronavirus.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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