The fire service has control of the fire in Tanke Svilandsgate in Stavanger. Nine residents have been evacuated, while one person is receiving assistance from the health care services due to inhaling smoke.
“The fire service has searched the building, and the building now appears to have no more people. The cause of the fire is currently unknown,” the Southwestern Police District wrote on Twitter at 5:26 AM on Saturday.
The police were notified of the fire at 4:56 AM on Saturday.
“The apartment where the fire started is completely damaged, but I guess there is some damage in the other parts of the building as well. The municipality is assisting the evacuees,” operations manager Victor Fenne-Jensen in the Southwestern Police District told news bureau NTB.
There was a lot of smoke in connection with the fire. The emergency services also planned to evacuate neighbors if necessary.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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