Four people were admitted to Haukeland with influenza – three of them are critically ill.
The winter flu outbreak has led to 17 deaths among patients admitted to the intensive care unit with suspected flu or lab test proven influenza.
The Intensive Care Department of Haukeland has received more serious influenza patients. Hordaland is the hardest hit in the country, writes Bergens Tidende.
“There are four normally healthy and well-functioning people who are now in the intensive care unit,” says senior doctor Stig Gjerde at Haukeland Hospital, to the newspaper.
TV 2 was notified that three are critically ill.
This year’s winter flu outbreak has been inundated with many infected patients, according to recent figures from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health:
“Since the beginning of this winter season, which started in week 40 last year, and up to today, there have been more than 4,300 hospitalizations across the country,” writes the department.
Figures from around 60 intensive care units show that 242 patients from week 46 in 2017 have been hospitalized in intensive care units with laboratory-detected flu. While, 119 patients have been admitted to intensive care with clinical suspicion of flu.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today