76 per cent have confidence in the government’s corona information. Fewer people are confident that the necessary financial measures have been implemented, according to a survey.
In surveys conducted by Opinion’s Norwegian Corona Monitor over the past 10 weeks, 76 per cent of a total of 30,000 surveyed Norwegians responded that they have confidence in the government’s information. 10 per cent have no confidence, while 14 per cent answered “neither”.
The proportion who do not trust the information provided by the government has changed little during the epidemic but was slightly higher in the first week after the shutdown of Norway.
In the period as a whole, 56 per cent of the population say that they have confidence that the government has taken the necessary financial measures to limit the damage to the Norwegian economy. 16 per cent disagree, while 28 per cent answered “neither”.
Women have greater confidence in both the government’s information and the government’s financial measures than men have. The younger the respondents, the fewer have confidence in the financial measures.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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