Two kilograms of cocaine in the roof

Packages in the roof.Photo: Tolletaten

A scanning of the vehicle revealed two kilos of cocaine in the roof lining.

The Customs seizure of the vehicle occurred after officers at Svinesund stopped a German registered passenger car on the afternoon of September 28th this year.

The German (28) driving the vehicle said he was on his way to Hamar to visit a friend and that he would be in Norway for a few days. After Customs officers discovered an electroshock weapon in the vehicle the search was expanded.

When the car was scanned the scanning operator noticed a foreign object inside the roof lining of the car. Further inspection by officers revealed a package that was hidden here. At that time the customs control search was “frozen” or stopped and the Eastern Police District was requested to send police officers to the customs station at Svinesund.

Police officers seized the drugs, the suspect and are investigating the smuggling attempt.


Source: / Norway Today