Two managers in Norgesgruppen indicted in the Lime case
Two managers in Kjøpmannshuset (the Merchant’s House), which is owned by the grocery giant Norgesgruppen, were Monday indicted in the so-called Lime case for participating to gross labour crimes.
The two are charged with making false statements to a Public Authority, falsifying documents and money laundering, writes Dagens Næringsliv (DN).
The police conducted a search of the headquarters of the grocery chain on Monday, writes VG.
– We made a larger acquisition of electronic material stored on their servers. This is material that has to be reviewed thoroughly, and it must be seen in connection with the significant seizures that we already possess in the Lime complex, says Police Lawyer, Andreas Lund, to VG.
According to DN, the police believe that the two indicted persons have known about much of the serious crimes that have been committed in the Lime chain of stores for several years.
– Labour crimes are a major challenge for society and very complex to investigate. We take this very seriously and prioritize investigating this kind of cases, Lund says.
On September 9th, 2014, the Lime chain was raided by the police. I A total of 13 persons were charged with extensive human trafficking, social dumping, tax fraud and other forms of economic crimes. The trial ended in December 2016, severely delayed, and sentencing is not expected until late this summer.
The two indicted leaders deny guilt
– The indicted deny being guilty of any criminal acts. They have for several years collaborated closely with the police to help investigate the Lime case. This will they continue to do – answering questions the police may wish to ask, says CEO in Kjøpmannshuset, Osman Christian Fjeldheim, according to Dagens Næringliv.
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