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Two out of three travelers to Norway pick up the phone when the authorities call to check in on them

Gardermoen queuePhoto: Hanna Johre / NTB

In the last three weeks, approximately 91,000 out of the 145,000 travelers to Norway answered their phones when the authorities called to check in on them.

The travel volume increased in the previous three weeks to about 50% of the normal entry volumes. At the end of July, the number of arrivals to Norway approached 60,000 per day, which has affected the capacity at the largest border crossings, the Norwegian Directorate of Health wrote in a report published on Friday.

The figures have been taken from the National Control Center. The center has 70 supervisors who speak nine languages. Among other things, they check that people who travel into Norway follow the rules for testing and quarantine and help the municipalities follow up on travelers by calling them.

About 42% of travelers on the call list have been contacted, and about 62% of that group answered their phones. 

Municipalities end up being notified of a possible breach of entry rules only in 3% of the calls. The purpose of the control activity is to limit imported infection and support local authorities.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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