Counter-protesters attacked the police and SIAN during the demonstration in Sandefjord on Saturday. The police brought in a total of four people, and two people were arrested.
“Those who were brought in and arrested have not complied with orders, refused to provide ID, and were violent against the police. In addition to these, a number of people were expelled from Sandefjord center,” station manager Siw Thokle at the Sandefjord police station told NTB on Sunday afternoon.
At 3 PM on Saturday, the anti-Islamic organization “Stop the Islamization of Norway” (SIAN) started a demonstration at Torvet in Sandefjord.
Between 300 and 400 counter-protesters showed up, and they were kept away from the SIAN members by the police, who had set up fences. During the protest, counter-protesters threw large amounts of stones, eggs, glass bottles, and other items at SIAN members. The police chose to use tear gas against several counter-protesters who attacked the fences.
SIAN leader Lars Thorsen also set fire to the Koran. The demonstration was ended by the police at 4:15 PM. According to the plan, the demonstration should have lasted until 5 PM.
During the burning of the Koran, one counter-protester managed to climb over the fence that had been set up around the SIAN members. The person was immediately arrested by the police.
Police cars attacked
“Based on photos and film from the demonstration, we will now create criminal cases against the people who threw stones, have not complied with orders, or are responsible for damage,” Thokle added.
Angry counter-protesters also rammed two police cars, but no injuries were reported during the protest.
“There is no doubt that a lot of stones and other objects were thrown, and that was the reason why we had to cancel the protest earlier than planned,” Thokle said.
Many counter-protesters stayed at Torvet long after the protest was completed. According to the station chief, it took between two and three hours before all the counter-protesters complied with the police order to leave the place.
“We wanted a peaceful demonstration. Freedom of expression is not about using violence against the police and throwing stones at those you disagree with. It is clear that such things will be prosecuted,” Thokle said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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