Deputy leader of the Defence Committee, Christian Tybring- Gjedde (Progress Party), wants young Iraqi and Syrian refugees to receive military training and then be sent into battle against IS.
This week it became clear that Norway will send special forces to Jordan to train Syrian rebels to fight against IS. The group will train and advise the Syrians in their struggle to liberate areas controlled by the terrorist group IS.
Deputyleader of the Defence Committee, Christian Tybring- Gjedde told Dagbladet that he supports the government line, but is wary of Norway’s participation in conflicts abroad.
– Now that Norway are to train local forces in warfare, these future soldiers should also include young, healthy and fit refugees who have arrived in Norway. We’ve got so many refugees from Syria and Iraq, and many of those are certainly very motivated to fight against IS, Tybring- Gjedde says.
He believes it’s a win-win situation.
– Both for the refugees, for Iraq and Syria and for Norway. If I had fled from Norway during World War II, I would certainly have come back to fight against the Nazis, if I had got the chance, Tybring- Gjedde says.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today