Families who’s asylum applications have been refused and have been in Norway for a long time, can now get extra financial support in order to leave the country.
The Department of Immigration (UDI) will increase the financial support of 20,000 kroner extra per child for long time remaining families applying for assisted return.
To get this additional support the family must have had a final rejection of their asylum application for more than two years and they must apply before the New Year.
– The situation families are living in in Norway are not improving over time.
Many of these families have been living in reception centers for a long time. The family may also risk being returned forcibly to their home country, writes UDI in a statement.
The scheme of assisted return means that UDI will pay your flight and give your family a cash sum.
– It can be a huge financial burden to start their lives again in their home country for families with children.
We want to give these families an opportunity to be able to return in a dignified manner, writes UDI.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today