According to estimates of Ukraine’s military published on Tuesday morning, 13,500 Russian soldiers have been killed so far in the war, Sky News reports.
The figure has not been confirmed by independent sources.
So far, Russia has made only one statement about its losses in the war: in early March, it said just under 500 soldiers had been killed.
The US estimate on March 10 was that between 5,000 and 6,000 Russian soldiers had been killed.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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On Washington Post, the often ridiculously neocon columnist Max Boot has the unusually realistic “Putin can’t win the war in Ukraine. But he can’t afford to lose it,” and he is right.
The Russians cannot take these casualties, but they must prevail.
I expect a quantum escalation of some kind – not a chemical attack – that would be our false flag op – which their latest higher level of nuclear preparedness reflects.
The Europeans and we Americans are dicing with holocaust.
Of course, we could instead just give the Russians the fair security treaty we owe them after all our past broken promises … but that’s just too fair, obvious, and sensible for “exceptional” us to do.