It did not go quite as planned for the boat owner when launcing his boat into the sea in Meland, north of Bergen, on Sunday. The car, the boat, and the trailer ended in the water.
While other people prefered to enjoy the sun while skiing, Nicu Rabusanu wanted to to go fishing on his speedboat last Sunday.
The boat was launched without problems, but the fishing trip never came to pass as both the car and the boat trailer slid into the water together with the boat.
“I tried to put the boat down, and it was a bit slippery, so the car and trailer went out into the water as well,” said the somewhat amused boat owner to Bergens Tidende.
The car ended up in water two meters deep, but was eventually taken up by a crane truck, which the boat owner took it all in good humor. He actually sold the car after it was pulled from the water.
“Now I do not need the stress before the EU control,” he told the newspaper.
Police, ambulances, and divers from the fire department came out after a man called and said he had seen a car in the sea, but everything was quickly cleared when Rabusanu contacted the man and explained that there were no people in the car.
“These things happen and it really is an unfortunate circumstance. However, he is not the first, nor will he be the last,” says Western Police District Operations Manager, Frode Kolltveit.
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