Nine out of ten veterinarians say they want a ban on imports of so-called ‘street dogs’ to Norway. Many of the dogs have diseases that are dangerous to animals, and to human beings.
The overwhelming majority support a ban shows a new survey among veterinarians, wrote Nationen newspaper. 87.2% of respondents have had street dogs in for treatment, and 92.1% said import of such dogs should be banned.
“It is pleasing that the veterinarians agree on a ban, and that they have a similarly academic approach to street dogs. We are veterinarians working long term to ensure the health of animals and humans. The survey is important for us to have
a factual basis,” said President, Torill Moseng, of the Norwegian Veterinary Association.
More than a quarter of the veterinarians, 28.6%, have found pathogenic microorganisms, diseases or disorders in such dogs that are rare in Norway. Moseng said the imported dogs are not necessarily protected even if the rules are followed.
“Rabies can develop even if the dog is vaccinated, and we know that many do not have antibodies despite the fact that the passport says the dog is vaccinated. They can also bring antibiotic resistant bacteria that infect between animals and humans.
By 2016, almost 400 street dogs had come to Norway as commercial imports.
In addition, many former strays are privately imported by their new owners.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today