No vetting of interpreters in violence cases

The UN General Assembly need a lot of interpreters. Illustration photo: Alina Zienowicz

Violent interpreters are allowed to work in violence-related litigation

An interpreter – sentenced for violence – was allowed to work with violence-related litigation by a Norwegian Court of Law. The practice is possible because Norwegian courts do not have access to check the interpreters’ problems or background.


NRK news has access to documents showing that the interpreter has interpreted in several violence-related cases.

“This is not acceptable,” said Knut Kolloen, who acts as district court judge in Nedre Telemark District Court.

Interpreters are often crucial for the parties to a trial to understand each other. But then they can work with a criminal text, which Kolloen believes is problematic.

“There may be situations that are dangerous for legal certainty,” Kolloen said.

The Ministry of Justice said they are working on obtaining a qualification for interpreters for inclusion into the Court Act. State Secretary, Torkil Åmland of Fremskrittspartiet (Frp) wrote in an e-mail to the state channel that he will consider gaining momentum for the work.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today