Girls between the ages of 15 and 17 accounted for the largest increase in violent crime in the Oslo area in 2018. The increase in violence for girls is greater in Oslo than in the rest of the country.
Oslo police district and the Oslo municipality recently presented the Salto report for 2018, which shows the development in child and youth crime in Oslo, writes Aftenposten. It appears that physical violence has become more common among young people in Oslo and that last year there were girls between the ages of 15 and 17 who accounted for the largest increase. This applies to both the number of cases of physical violence and the number of people.
From 2015 to 2018, the number of criminal offenses that were violent offenses doubled for girls aged 15-17. 88 of the cases were for physical violence, 25 for offenses against public officials and 18 for threats.
Agreed fights, so-called beefing, have become more common among girls, and also appear on social media.
According to research fellow Lars Roar Frøyland at the Welfare Research Institute NOVA, girls’ violence is different from that of boys.
“Previous studies show that girls use other types, and less brutal violence, than the boys. They report more often that boys punch and kicks, while girls more often to scratch, claw, or push someone,” says Frøyland.
Frøyland has looked at the Young Data Surveys and says the increase in violence among girls and boys is higher in Oslo than in the rest of the country.
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