June became the second warmest June ever recorded in Norway. Only in the June of 1953 was it warmer. In Eastern and Western Norway has it never been warmer.
-” It has been quite a month. Records were made nationwide, and the record overview is the longest for as long as I can remember.”, said Hans Olav Hygen , Scientist at the Meteorological Institute, in an article on their own website.
Both Eastern and Central Norway registered their warmest June so far, with 3.7 and 4.9 degrees over the average temperature for the month. This June was recorded as the second warmest in Western Norway. The last record was from 1933. Nationwide, this June was the warmest ever recorded except for June of 1953.
A total of eleven tropical days were recorded. These are days where the temperature went over 30 degrees. This too is a new record.
-” A lot are asking themselves if the heat is due to global warming, but we cannot say that a single month is the result of climate change. Then again, all the heat records show a pattern of the weather becoming warmer and with more heat records.”, Said Hygen.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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